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Movie Quotes

Black Christmas Quote(s)

Quote: Are you high? It's freezing out there!
Quote: I'm really not okay with any of this. I mean, buying a Christmas present for a serial killer?
Quote: Fuck you, Santa Clause!
Quote: This is me... Billy!
Quote: Mrs. Mac:(looking at her ugly nightgown the sorority sisters gave her) Jesus! I wouldn't wear this to have my liver out!
Quote: Mrs. Mac:(opening her gift from the sorority sisters: an ugly nightgown) Well, Thank you girls, it's lovely, just lovely. I got as much use for this as I do a chastite.
Quote: Barb: (to anonymous filthy phone-caller) Oh, why don;t you go find a wall socketm and stick your tongue in it. That'll give you a charge!!
Quote: Mrs. Mac: (imitating an angry father to herself) I didn't send my daughter here to be drinking or picking up boys! (Regular Voice) Tough Shit! Like I'm supposed to be responsible for the morals of every girl in this god damn house! These broads, if they wanted the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I'd bet they'd get up there! I do my best! I don't know what the bastards expect of me. Christ Sake!
Quote: Peter: You selfish bitch!!! You're talking about getting our baby as if you were having a wart removed!!
Quote: Claire:No Jess, that's okay. I have to finish packing anyway.
Jess: Hasn't she had enough trouble fitting in, without you always being at her!
Barb: C'mon! I know a professional virgin when I see one!!
Quote: Mrs. Mac: Godammit Claude, I'm gonna have you fixed!
Quote: Phyl: Well, Super Tongue strikes again!
Barb: Fastest tongue in the West!
Quote: Phyl: Well, Super Tongue strikes again!
Barb: Fastest tongue in the West!
Quote: Barb: Darling, You can't rape a townie!

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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